The birth of the structure Discover all the curiosities and news regarding the birth and evolution related to the structure, starting from the end of the 19th century to get up to the present day. Discover our history
Discover all the curiosities and news regarding the birth and evolution related to the structure, starting from the end of the 19th century to get up to the present day.
The most important areas The particularity and beauty of the different areas that make up the Country House, help to give all guests dream stays and experiences. Discover all the beauty and uniqueness of the structure. Discover the structure
The particularity and beauty of the different areas that make up the Country House, help to give all guests dream stays and experiences. Discover all the beauty and uniqueness of the structure.
Quality products and preparations The real highlight of our structure is certainly the service offered by the restaurant, which we have always taken care of with dedication and extreme attention to detail. Scopri il risorante
The real highlight of our structure is certainly the service offered by the restaurant, which we have always taken care of with dedication and extreme attention to detail.